Frequently Asked Questions

When are classes in session?
Preschool at Trinity aligns its school year calendar closely (though not exactly) with the Fergus Falls Public School calendar to make scheduling as convenient as possible for families with children in both preschool and public school. The current school year calendar is found on the Resources tab of the website.
What is taught at Preschool at Trinity?
A variety of age appropriate learning experiences are provided in a fun, friendly, loving, Christian environment. All aspects of child development are incorporated: spiritual, intellectual, physical (small and large motor skills), social, and emotional. Learning takes place in circle time (large group), exploration, play, small group activities, table time, and through the use of classroom learning centers. Trinity teaches through play-based learning and exploration.
How much does it cost to attend Preschool at Trinity?
Tuition prices depend upon class choice. Please refer to the Enroll webpage for more information and a copy of our Tuition & Payment Policy.

Are there additional fees required?
No. Preschool at Trinity does not charge any additional fees. A non-refundable tuition deposit of $100 is due at application, but this deposit counts toward your tuition payment for the year and is NOT an extra fee.
When is tuition due?
Tuition may be paid in full on the first day of class or paid monthly from September-May. Please see the Tuition and Payment Policy on the Enroll webpage for the specific payment policy. Automatic withdrawal is available for your use in paying tuition if you prefer.
How is faith incorporated into classroom life?
“Jesus Time” is part of every day’s schedule. Chapel services are also held for each class. Stories from the Bible and holidays and themes from the church year are explored. All teaching is based on the following beliefs:
There is one true and living God eternally existing in three persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has revealed His love for humanity by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, that through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, we might be saved from our sins and restored into a right relationship with God.
Does Preschool at Trinity have activities outside the regular school day schedule?
A variety of family activities are offered throughout the school year. Some activities include Back to School Night, Thankful Feast, Christmas Program, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, Lenten Luncheon, Lutheran Island Camp Family Day, and Closing Program. Special activities are also scheduled to celebrate our school during one week of the year in January.

Do parents have an opportunity to be involved in Preschool at Trinity?
Preschool at Trinity has an open door policy. Parents are always welcome in the classroom. Talk with our teachers if you would like to volunteer in the classroom. We encourage parent readers during the second half of the school year!
When is registration available for the upcoming school year?
Registration and enrollment is is typically available in February for the upcoming school year. Enrollment documents are available on the website or a registration packet can be obtained by contacting the school.